Posted by Anonymous on Monday, June 15, 2009

Bercermin Cici Paramida of cases, according to psychologist Utoyo Yati, domestic violence (domestic violence) stems from the time together. Posesif behave like that can be domestic violence perpetrators. Anyone should be cautious, including the artists like Cici.

However, not only from the artists such as Cici Paramida that experienced domestic violence, ordinary people can. One of which must be avoided in order not to become victims of domestic violence is not engaged with the guy who possesif.

"Since the court should be able to see this. As it is too posesif love forbid there. That could be the root of the occurrence of domestic violence later," explained psychologist, Yati Utoyo hot time to be contacted via ponselnya, Monday (15/6/2009) .

Domestic violence occurs in most women. Therefore, women must see the beautiful nature girlfriend. Do not terlena until the court-flattery.

So that no domestic violence occurred, Yati recommend to see the beautiful nature of prospective husbands. In addition to choosing a husband who does not posesif, prospective couple must agree with the position when they married.

"Do not be too dominant to husbands against wives, do not have a loving master. So also signs it posesif must also diwaspadai," Yati go.