Joana Alexandra

Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, June 20, 2009

Joana Alexandra
Joanna alexandra pace in the world of entertainment begins when he turn 3 junior class. At that time he is booked for the event promt gown night. Joanna ago came to the boutique Adji Notonegoro "House of Adjie" in the Barito, South Jakarta. In fact the face cantiknya make the famous clothing designer is interested. Joanna alexandra Adjie directly offer to become a model. Golden opportunity that is not wasted girl born 23 April 1987 this. Joanna get education model school until he finally contracted a model owned by Flash Adjie Agency.

Joana alexandra career in the art world beginning with the role of star sinetron Si Bajaj MD Entertainment production, and again he was playing with Ervan Naro and Selly Hasan. He was also a model of ad products face whitener. After that Erwin Arnada, a producer interested in the beauty of women who are now married with Raditya Oloan Pangabean this.

Erwin mengajaknya play in the End Notes Film School. Erwin also propose that Joanna to be a model in the Indonesian edition of Playboy magazine. Cewek penyuka pink color that is accepted the bid even though he had to wear lingerie while shooting session. Consequently the magazine to load photos seksinya reap controversy in the community. But if Joanna holds himself ready if already akan dihujat by masyarat. He has